Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Analysis of George Orwells 1984 - 4218 Words
Analysis of George Orwells 1984 War Is Peace. Freedom Is Slavery. Ignorance Is Strength. The party slogan of Ingsoc illustrates the sense of contradiction which characterizes the novel 1984. That the book was taken by many as a condemnation of socialism would have troubled Orwell greatly, had he lived to see the aftermath of his work. 1984 was a warning against totalitarianism and state sponsored brutality driven by excess technology. Socialist idealism in 1984 had turned to a total loss of individual freedom in exchange for false security and obedience to a totalitarian government, a dysutopia. 1984 was more than a simple warning to the socialists of Orwells time. There are many complex philosophical issues buried deep within†¦show more content†¦This state of constant surveillance demands complete conformity among the population. In Oceania, there are no laws, but non-conformity is punished by death. The thought police are an omnipresent force of the government, weeding out non-conformists and making the m disappear on a regular basis. Even a slight inflection in the voice or a look of the eye can be construed as thoughtcrime. Propaganda, terror, and technology are the tools of the state, used to coerce and control the thoughts and actions of the populace. Reality is denied on a regular basis if it is non-consistent with party doctrine. The main character of the novel, Winston Smith, said that freedom is the freedom to say that 2+2=4.(Orwell,69)In fact, if the party said that 2+2=5, the population would believe this to be truth. History is actually rewritten on a daily basis so as to appear consistent with party doctrine. The enemy of today becomes the enemy of yesterday, poverty becomes progress, war becomes peace, and slavery becomes freedom. This concept of denying reality in the face of obvious contradiction is known as doublespeak. It is central to the philosophy of Ingsoc, and is the greatest tool of the governments mind-control agenda. Winston Smith, the tragic non-conformist main character works as a member of the party. His job is to rewrite newspaper recordsShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Big Brother And George Orwells 1984713 Words  | 3 Pagestortured with your wildest fears. These what-if’s become reality in 1984, a novel written by George Orwell. Orwell’s 1984 follows the story of a dystopian society and one man’s path to rebellion. The main character, Winston, wrestles with the idea of oppression implemented by the totalitarian-style government and eventually decides he must rebel. His story is one of love, trust, torture, and defeat. The government system used in Orwell’s 1984 is similar to the Nazi regime in that they both had strict leadersRead MoreThe Price of Freedom: An Analysis of Rebellion in George Orwells 19841462 Words  | 6 PagesAs a new society unfolds, so do new values and authority. 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